New Year, New Project

Hey there all five of you BettyBabe followers – HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I’ve been an absentee blogger, haven’t I. As you likely know I tore a disc in my back last summer and fell off the workout truck. I’m slowly making my way back. Long road.

Not sure if I’ll be back in this blog any time soon. I have a new project in the works, though. I’m blogging about it, to. If you feel like checking it out, here it is:

Thanks for being a BettyBabe fan. Hope to see you over in my new blog.


Run, Cynthia, Run!

Cynthia has raised $585 toward her End Kids Cancer Contribution Goal of $1,000- WAY TO GO, CYNTHIA!

aka session 12


My bad

I’m a bad blogger. I have had SO much to write about, but not written a scratch of it down. Naughty Betty Babe!

In short, point form, here’s a brief overview of the last while:

– Kylie helped me with my diet, and helped me understand the importance of food combined with working out

 – I joined a one-on-one personal training type gym and have been working twice a week with trainer Gaby. WOW, can that woman make you move your butt!

 – I’ve lost a few pounds of fat and can see that I have a wee bit of muscle tone that I didn’t have before

 –  I feel good

Now I gotta run. Literally – I’m late for the gym. 😉



A muscle here; a muscle there; I swear I have them everywhere!

My clothes are tighter. IN. THE. CHEST. 

Like THAT wasn’t my dream come true when I was 14!

Was I hit by a Mack truck, or is this the aging process?

I was startled out of my sleep this morning by my body screaming at me. Still dazed and jarred, I scanned my body and found out what the problem was: I was laying there being 47 years old.

Ever feel like a mammoth?

UGH. So heavy….

Lulled by a lion

January, Day 3:

I didn’t get up to work-out today. Who can blame me – Pozee is such a sweet cat, and hard to remove from my legs first thing in the morning before my coordination kicks in. Yes, coordination is necessary to move a 20 pound cat first thing in the morning, so when the alarm went off I took the easy route and let him stay there, cozy up against my legs, me being a kind cat owner and all…